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welcome to hair hints

Ever find yourself in a position where you want to change your hairstyle, but you don't know what look to go for? Ever flip through a magazine before going to a hairdresser to get ideas? US TOO! At Hair Hints, we have collected a comprehensive collection of hair styles for you peruse. Simply browse through our collection by ethnicity and style by clicking on the links at the top of the page. You can even click on any photo to see more details about that hairstyle.

What's more, we offer the exclusive ability for you to "try on" select hairstyles from our collection. All you need to do is upload a photo of yourself, and you can see how that hairstyle will actually look in your photo. Just look for the "try on" button beneath the style you are interested in to get started. And remember to return often as we will be adding additional hairstyles you can try on everyday.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let us know.

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